
What can we do for you?

Website Development

Are you a small/medium company or organisation needing a website?

We have worked directly with clients to build and deliver custom websites, project managing the development and partner web design companies to include a professional designer.

Once launched, we offer support contracts to maintain and develop your website.

Freelance .NET Developer

Do you need extra resource for your production team working on ASP.NET website projects?

We have worked with a number of production companies, fitting into the existing team of project managers, designers, developers and programmers. Our role has always been on the technical side, coding on the client and server together with database design and build.

Happy to work locally on site or remotely.

Skills & Experience


Key Skills

  • ASP.NET C#
  • Web forms/MVC
  • ADO.NET/Dapper
  • User management
  • Report Viewer & PDF
  • Windows applications


  • Visual Studio
  • CodeSmith Code Generator


ASP.NET is an open source web framework for building modern web appications and services by Microsoft. I have built websites with Microsoft ASP/ASP.NET since 2002 and have a wide range of programming experience with C#.

SPC Media develop ASP.NET websites to the n-Tier Application Design principle. By separating the structure into Data, Business and Presentation layers prepares the website to meet the goals of modern software development: Maintainability, Performance, Scalability and Reusability.

With a typical object oriented programming approach to code development, involving class libraries for Data layer, Business logic and Business objects to build solutions to industry standards. Professional delivery is ensured by production with Microsoft Visual Studio and CodeSmith Code generator software to speed up development time.


Key Skills

  • MS SQL Server
  • Database design
  • SQL stored procedures


  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • Microsoft Access


Nearly all website developments are accompanied with a Microsoft SQL Server database as the data storage solution.

We have practical database design experience for a range of management systems writing SQL stored procedures and robust Transactional SQL operations.

Wider SQL experience includes full text catalogues and Google type text searches.

Web Development

Key Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • XML
  • RSS
  • SEO and Sitemaps
  • Photoshop

Frameworks, Plugins and APIs

  • Bootstrap
  • Apache Cordova
  • Google Maps API
  • Image Resizer
  • jQuery UI/Validation/jsRender
  • AutoMapper
  • PayPal Integration
  • Vimeo Integration
  • Social Media


It is essential that modern websites work across all devices. Using Bootstrap allows for responsive, mobile first website design and incorporates HTML, CSS and Javascript to build professional functional websites.

We use Javascript and jQuery for most front end scripting and a host of plugins built on jQuery to add additional features such as client side validation, user interface controls and template display.

Various projects have provided me with experience in processing XML files as data feeds to store content locally, usually in a MS SQL database.

Experience of APIs such as Google Maps and PayPal. Using Google Maps API to drive a location based search, showing results on a map, street view and directions. Experience in PayPal integration for both subscription and 'buy now' payments.

Management - Simon Cooke (Director)

Key Skills

  • Company Director since 1999
  • Team leader experience
  • Project Management


On various projects I have had many different roles including team leader and project management experience to define technical strategy and manage production to an end goal.

We have taken on projects directly with a client, having to recruit and manage additional contractors to deliver to timescales and budgets if required.